I find myself:
::noticing God's glory
There are tulips sprouting up through the hard ground! Glory!
::listening to
Signing Time. Sarah is addicted lately.
::clothing myself in
Jeans, sweater. Same old thing.
::talking with my children about these books
We're digging deep into the Lent basket.
::thinking and thinking
About what refreshes and restores me. Writing the Restore Workshop has been such a blessing! I've learned so much in the process and I'm pretty excited (and equally terrified) to share it..
::pondering prayerfully
Let yourself be seen by all as you really are. Just as we are in the sight of God, so let us be in the sight of all.
~ St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
::carefully cultivating rhythm
It's Spring Break week for my college kids. It's not for my six still at home. Delicate rhythm here, but so far, so good. Those Restore strategies? They're being tested to the limits this week. The last college break darn near killed me. Not this time.
::creating by hand
all baby, all the time:-).
::learning lessons in
Let's see... Podcast production, photo editing, photo storage...I'm living on the digital edge this week, friends.
::encouraging learning
Getting ready to launch into an intensive on the Civil War. I intended to do this last year before our Bull Run bluebell days and it didn't happen. This year, it's already happening.
::begging prayers
for Shawn Kuykendall and his family
::keeping house
Just trying to stay ahead of the big boy deluge.
::crafting in the kitchen
I'm really loving the Oh She Glows cookbook. Vegan all the time won't fly with all the men around my table this week, but I'm beginning with vegan and just adding a simple meat to the meal. That way, I know we're all veggi-centric.
::loving the moments
I've had some really good moments with my eldest in the past week or so. We've stood at soccer in the pouring rain and in the bright sunshine. Rain hiding our tears, sunglasses doing the same.He bounces from the ICU to the world outside, the world that previously was so full of Shawn. I'm not comfortable sharing the details of Shawn's struggle or of Michael's pain, but I'm incredibly grateful that I know my boy's heart and it's good. Very good..
::giving thanks
for a bright-eyed boy who came home for spring break smiling, positively overflowing with excitement over the projects he's got going. Smiling. Sounds so simple, but I cannot begin to describe the joy and gratitude I have for those smiles. Words evade me.
God is so good.
living the liturgy
I love Lent. I'm not sure that's a good thing, since it's supposed to be penitential and all, but there you go--I Love Lent. I like the focused attention to serious things. I like the way that even though the secular culture has commandeered Advent and Christmas and Easter, Lent still feels authentically Christian.
::planning for the week ahead
I've got some more podcasts to record for the Restore Workshop. I have a good bit of driving to and from soccer practice. I hear the washer telling me that a big stack of fabric is ready to be made into a baby layette or two. And there's this honey cowl that I began after Mike's dad's funeral. I intended it to wear with my black dress. I need to finish it.