This is a Very Important post.
When we seek to live a seamless life of authentic faith, we have to begin at home. Home is important. Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of the world Out There, we lose sight of that. We shouldn't. What we do at home matters very much to Him. And it matters very much to the people He has entrusted to our care.
In chapter 2 of The Little Oratory: A Beginner’s Guide to Praying in the Home, the authors explore how a life of faith is visibly expressed in a home and how that expression, in turn, nurtures the life of faith. Leila and I spoke about homemaking and hospitality and "holy decorating." We're are of one mind that this isn't about shock and awe religiosity in home decor, but about thoughtful expression of faith throughout a welcoming home. I hope we can join you while you fold a couple loads of laundry or carefully make a bed. Probably, the audio isn't quite loud enough to be a part of dishwashing (but my goal for next week is to make it so;-). Wherever you go on your daily round, think upon these things. I think they'll bless your family.
Remember to check last week's post to see if you won the giveaway.
And now, lots of helpful links for homemaking inspiration
Holy housekeeping
Dear Friend, Please Come Visit
On Being Intentional and Making Lists
Why Bother with Cleaning? (But then, be sure to read this one and this one, too;-)
Homemaking Companion Notebook (with lots of forms to use, if you like)
{once upon a time, when we shared our bedroom with baby girls}
And another giveaway! This one is for the dads, just in time for Father's Day.
I have another copy of The Little Oratory: A Beginner’s Guide to Praying in the Home to give away this week. I truly believe that this book is an indispensable resource and no home should be without a copy. I also think this book study this summer could transform lives and it's not too late to join us. The book can be read out of order. So you can get your copy and start where we are or read all night and get caught up or begin at the end and meet us in the middle. Whatever suits you. Just get one and read it. And I'd dearly love for you to talk about it with us. Anway, back to the dads in your life, this volume was co-authored by a man who is a husband and a father. He gets it. The book is distinctly systematic, helpful, and even masculine in a way that religious books usually aren’t.
Another title Sophia Institute Press publishes is The Father of the Family: A Christian Perspective by Clayton Barbeau. I haven't read this one, but reports are that it is a must-read for men.
Sophia Institute Press is offering both of these books to one of my readers. I'd love it if you entered to win below. The giveaway will end on Sunday, June 8th and the winner will be announced within this post-- you’ll get your books in time to give them for Father’s Day!
Listen to the whole Summer in the Little Oratory Series!
Chapter 1::The Christian Life: bringing it home
Chapter 2:: Home is a Very, Very Good Thing
Chapter 3:: Making the Little Oratory in the Home
Chapter 4:: Towards Living the Liturgical Year at Home
Chapter 5:: Praying the Hours and Sanctifying Every Moment
Whew! Got all that? If you're still with me, please chime in below. I'd love to hear what you're thinking about living the spirit of this book in your very own home. Leave a link to your blog post or just speak up in the combox. Also, if you'd like to share photos on Instagram (I always like to do that;-), use the hashtag #littleoratory so we can find them!