The first couple of weeks of school are always apple-y around here. The Alphabet Path story begins with an apple tree and the fairy who lives there. And, of course, there are apples to pick and apples to make into pie and apples to can for later. The apples where we like to pick aren't quite ready for us yet, but we have our apple books out and we're exploring the science behind all that apple loveliness.
It's my theory that good picture books can completely cover all necessary elementary science. To that end, two favorite apple books are How Do Apples Grow by Betty Maestro and How Do Apples Grow.
Karoline chose How Do Apples Grow, a simple book which follows an apple tree from the bare winter branches until autumn picking time. We read the book and talked about it and then she chose her favorite picture to copy.
Katie chose The Life and Times of the Apple, which is sadly out of print, but worth the hunt. It's a more advanced lifecycle book with excellent detailed illustrations.
Other favorites are:
Apples (a Gail Gibbons, book. She's always excellent.)
The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree (Gail Gibbons again. Excellent again.)
The Apple Pie Tree (this one is new to us this year. I pretty much love the collage illustrations.)
We have some favorite apple-themed fiction books. I'm saving those for next week.
For lots more apple-related and "A" themed learning, visit us here.
For more about our Storybook Year, read here. And, there are Storybook Science books, from A-Z, linked here, scroll down on the lefthand side.