I've been sewing lots and lots lately. Still making window treatments:-). I'm learning that if there's fabric involved, it doesn't take me long to get to my happy place. I'm also learning that sewing is even better with friends. My friend Cari has been here often to help me with draperies and it's just so nice to wrok together, to have long conversations, and share a passion for fiber arts! We've been trading fabric and yarn and lots of ideas. My project list is growing quite long. (Speaking of project lists, Deborah has some insight to that today. even if you've never sewn and never plan to, this post is a very good read.)
I've also found that I love to teach other people to sew. Since I'm so new at this, those "other people" are mostly children. Last week, Megan's daughter Katie came over for sewing and tea. I helped her create a ribbon-hemmed skirt. This sweet skirt is such a great first project! (Here's a link to a free tutorial.) The results are nearly instantly gratifying. She sewed so well and was such a dear little sponge.
When Megan came to pick her up, Katie beamed her success. Truly darling. Then, Sarah told Megan that she has three ribbon hemmed skirt and I helped her make them all. Megan asked what Sarah did when she sewed her skirts. "I gave Mommy the pins to put in the skirt. And then she gave them to me to put in the pincushion. She was a big help." Yep. In her darling little brain, she sewed those skirts. And that's all good.
I'm reading Chesterton this year, to celebrate the Year of Faith (more on the plan here). I took a picture of my reading and knitting yesterday to write a Yarn Along post. Then, Cari came to sew and I forgot all about blogging. So, here's my read:
So what's happening out there in needle and thread world? Are you working on Christmas presents? Christmas decorations? Winter jammies? Do tell.