Rebecca's Papa has wandering feet. He packs up the family in a covered wagon and they head to Oregon. Along the way, Rebecca gathers scraps of fabric from family and friends, meaningful mementoes of their journey together. When they arrive in Oregon, she quilts all the memories into a lovely blanket. The book was inspired by the pioneer quilt pattern "Wandering Feet."
We had a wonderful time with this one. I sat with a handful of 5 inch fabric squares on my lap and handed one to each of my three listeners every time Rebecca gathered a scrap for her collection. At the end, I added a few more. Then we sat on the floor, they did a little trading, and designed their own small quilts. We stitched them all together for some very lucky baby dolls.
Photo credit: Evelyn Hockstein for the New York Times. Used with Permission.
Photo credit: Evelyn Hockstein for the New York Times. Used with Permission.
More books on the Oregon Trail theme:
If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon
If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon
An entire {free} unit study on Pioneers and the Oregon Trail
More books on the patchwork and quilting theme:
Eight Hands Round: An Alphabet Book (pioneer life told through 26 quilt patterns)
Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt
For a detailed explanation of our Storybook Year and a long lists of ways to talk about books, click here.