I welcome you to needle and thREAD. What have you been sewing lately? Or are you embroidering? Pulling a needle with thread through lovely fabric to make life more beautiful somehow? Would you share with us just a single photo (or more) and a description of what you're up to? Would you talk sewing and books with us? I'd love that so much.
I read good and perfect gift this week. Actually, I read the whole thing on Friday. I couldn't put it down. It's Amy Julia Becker's story of discovery. When her first child, Penny, is born, Amy Julia and her husband learn she has Down Syndrome. The young mother takes us with her as she looks hard and long at what this unexpected diagnosis means.
I was struck by how a deep faith--even when one asks honest and tough theological questions--colors everything. How faith opened for her the very real growth that came with learning about herself as she learned along with Penny. I have seen close up how mothers react upon learning and living with the unexpected when a child is born. This book affirmed for me that walking in faith makes all the difference.
On the sewing front, I'm working on twirly skirts. Carmen sent me some Cape Ann charm squares. I'm making skirts for my Sarah and Karoline and her Tess. I'm so glad to have been surprised by Cape Ann! When I first saw it online, I wasn't really moved to stash some. I think I was put off by the toile. I'm not so much into toile. But this toile? This toile is lovely. I love absolutely every print of this line and I'm so happy to be sewing with it.
It was great fun to read about your sewing and reading last week. What are you up to this week?