It's the Solemnity of St. Joseph!
Sing and pray with the Church (Click on Morning Prayer):
The Lord is the giver of holiness. Let us turn to him and pray:
– Holy God, raise us up to new life in holiness.
Lord our God, you called our fathers in faith to walk before you in holiness of heart,
may we follow in their footsteps, and obey your command to be perfect.
– Holy God, raise us up to new life in holiness.
You chose Joseph the righteous to care for your Son in childhood and youth,
teach us to care for Christ’s body by caring for our brothers and sisters.
– Holy God, raise us up to new life in holiness.
You entrusted the earth to mankind, to people it and make it prosper,
inspire us to work wholeheartedly in this world, seeking always to give you glory.
– Holy God, raise us up to new life in holiness.
Father of all mankind, do not forget what your hands have made,
grant that all who work may have secure employment and a fitting standard of living.
– Holy God, raise us up to new life in holiness.
There is a general rule concerning all special graces granted to any human being. Whenever the divine favor chooses someone to receive a special grace, or to accept a lofty vocation, God adorns the person chosen with all the gifts of the Spirit needed to fulfill the task at hand... (to read the rest, click on "Office of Readings")