On the morning of her first basketball game, Katie was up and dressed by 6:30. Her game was at 1:00 pm. Very long morning. I had heard reports from the other children that she was doing well at practice. We all headed out with high hopes for about as much fun as second grade girls' basketball could be.
The girls were so excited.
Katie could not stop smiling. Or bouncing.
Katie played point guard. In second grade girls' basketball, a coach is allowed to be on the court and --ahem-- micromanage. We learned very quickly just how necessary this provision is.
Michael is her assistant coach. Christian kept the books. Mike kept time. It didn't take long for Mary Beth and me, from across the court, to tune in to the amusing show happening there.
They were incredulous. Much shock and amazement. At first, there was a worried air. They were beginning to notice a trend: she takes the ball up the court, all bounces and smiles, and then she keeps it. She doesn't pass. She doesn't shoot. She just smiles for the crowd.
Then, it became apparent that she will likely never shoot. Or pass.
Just bounce and smile. The men in the family were perplexed. They also cringed every time the coach yelled, "Foss."
They tried to explain the fine (and not so fine) points of playing point guard. They really did try. Really.
Then they gave up.
{Note to the boys: If you just roll with it, it's so very entertaining.}
Mike came over to sit with me. Michael wondered if he really has a future in athletics. Christian looked like he wanted to die.
Katie kept smiling.
And bouncing.