Outside My Window::
::The sun is just peeking up over the houses east of me. My day began very, very early. Even for me.
I am Listening to::
I am wearing ::
::a George Mason soccer sweatshirt and some boy-child's sweatpants. Cashmere socks:-) Thanks, Elizabeth, for offering class for even the scruffiest of outfits.
I am Thankful For::
I am Pondering:
::Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness. -- Bl. Teresa of Calcutta
I am Reading:
::In Conversation with God: Advent and Christmas
::Lots of picture books from "the second basket on the left." I've organized my books into baskets for the Advent and Christmas seasons .
They are lined up on the window seat in the keeping room and we're
enjoying revisiting old favorites as the season begins. No Christmas
tree there since we're waiting on that until after the floors are
finished, but I'm finding that the books bring the season to life just
From the Kitchen::
::Yesterday, I made seventeen sweet goodie boxes for Mike to distribute at work. Paddy was a huge help in the mixing and making department. Mary Beth created beautiful labels and Christian entertained the baby in the kitchen(by feeding her chocolate!). It was a very enjoyable day.
I am Thinking:
::That when someone tells the world via Facebook that she is "laughing like Sarah laughed today" and her husband posts a stork as his profile picture, that it's not a secret anymore.Colleen and her family have been given the gift of new life.
Give you goosebumps? Me too:-)
I am Creating::
::two books--by the end of the month. And really, they are so very close to finished! I can't wait to share them with you. I am so grateful for the opportunity to collaborate on a book with a friend who understands when we interrupt work to give driving directions to lost children, find socks for husbands rushing out the door, and usher three-year-olds to the potty right away. We've wedged some good conversations between the interruptions that are really the stuff of our lives. It's miraculous that these books are nearly finished.
On my iPod::
::L'Angelus O Night Divine. I will never tire of these songs. Never.;-)
Towards a Real Education::
:: In our family, we have long set aside this season for digging deeply into traditions. We do much, much more crafting than we do at any other time of year. Our academic work is narrowed to math, lots of reading from great picture books and Christmas-themed chapter books, and lots of narrating. We focus on Advent devotions and drink deeply from the well of our Church. It's a busy time and we all learn so much.At some point, Michael returns from college and fits right in--more than any other time of the year, this time is familiar and warm and welcoming for him. After immersion in faith and family, we return to "school as usual" in January more relaxed and more connected to one another and to our Savior because of our Advent traditions. It works for us.
Towards Rhythm and Beauty:
::Now that we've had this experiment in delaying decorating for Christmas, I can confirm what I always thought. It is more fruitful for me to have the reminders of the season up and in place at Advent's beginning. They keep me focused. This time around, I'm distracted by all that is yet to be done and I can forget the season altogether, depending on where I am in my house.
To Live the Liturgy:
::I was very sad and disappointed not to go to the Basilica for the feast of the Immaculate Conception this year. I don't know what else to say. The disappointment quieted me in a most unexpected way.
::we enjoyed a feast day tea yesterday to celebrate Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe. In the midst of our big baking and making day, three extra children joined us for stories and roses and Mexican hot chocolate.
I am Hoping and Praying:
::for "Galadriel."
In the Garden:
::December Roses on the feast of Juan Diego, even with snow!
Around the House:
::I keep telling myself that I am doing major de-cluttering and organizing and that once these floors are finished, our house will be as fresh and new and deepdown clean as when we first moved in. Right now, it's just utter chaos and we have way.too.much.stuff. The wood floors are not yet ordered. And I
am strangely fine with that, for the most part. Whenever the utter
chaos in my physical surroundings starts to threaten my peace, I find
some excuse to go to the grocery store, dial #7 on my cell phone, and
get Colleen to talk me down from my frenzy. So far, it's working fine. We'll have new floors when we have them.
I might put the Christmas tree up very soon, though.
On Keeping Home:
::making great progress, I'm sure. Just can't see the forest for the trees this week, I'm afraid.
One of My Favorite Things:
::The amazing advent calendar given to Stephen by his godmother. In a year when we really have very few reminders of the season about the house, this one is truly extraordinary.
Sarah Annie this week:
::Three new teeth! That doubles the number of teeth since last week. I am taking her with me to town for Mike's office party next week. She and her siblings have been sternly warned that she is not to walk until after the party. I don't want to have to chase her;-). Look for walking news on or around the 18th.
No, she isn't crawling, but clearly she's going to skip that step and just move on.
A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week:
I'm planning as I go. It's better that way. Really.
A Picture Thought (or two) I'm Sharing:
Later. maybe?