Jesus was captured and taken to Pontius Pilate. There, since it was Passover, Pontius Pilate was going to release one of the prisoners. He asked the crowd "Whom shall I release?" The crowd answered "Barrabas!" Then Pontius Pilate said "What shall I do with Jesus?" The crowd answered "Crucify Him!"
Jesus was beaten until He bled. And He was given a crown of thorns.
Jesus was given a heavy cross to carry.
He carried His very heavy cross up a steep hill.
1 "Father, forgive them;
they do not know what they are doing" (Lk 23:34)
2 "I assure you: this day
you will be with Me in paradise" (Lk 23:43)
3 "Woman, there is your
Son" (Jn 19:26)
4 "My God, My God, why
have You forsaken Me?" (Mt 27:46
5 "I am thirsty"
(Jn 19:30)
6 "Now it is finished"
(Jn 19:30)
7 "Father, into Your
hands I commend My spirit" (Lk 23:46)
He was taken down from the cross and He was wrapped in linen.
With a stone rolled across it.
And now we wait.
[Note (because I don't want to forget): Karoline keeps trying to put Mary's figure into the tomb. She insists, "She wants to be with her Jesus!"]