~ Peggy is out of town this week, so there is no Mr. Linky for entries. But I think this habit is lovely way to begin the week and figured I'd go ahead and write anyway.
Outside My Window ... the sun is rising and the birds are chirping
I am thinking ... about our first installment of the summer book study, which I will hopefully post this week.
I am thankful for ... my friend Jen, who showed up last week, when I could barely hold my head up, dropped off coffeecake and left with five loads of laundry, which she returned clean, folded, and ready to put away.
From the kitchen ... the warm cinnamon smell of homemade granola baking before sunrise
I am wearing ... a t-shirt and a warm pink bathrobe.
I am creating ... a baby. I know I've used that one before, but it's pretty all-consuming right now!
I am going ... to get outside for a walk every day this week, no matter how badly I think I feel.
I am reading ... Miss Rumphius, Dancers in the Garden, and Sunflower Sal. Oh, and for me: Another go with A Blessing of Toads
I am hoping
... to feel well enough to be able to return to my happy little working routine soon. I miss being able to clean and shine and make home feel like a haven.
I am hearing ... some very cheerful birds having breakfast at the newly-filled feeders. Karoline will be so pleased to see them this morning!
Around the house
... We are going to feed the furniture with a good old-fashioned beeswax rubbing. Katie loves this job and I admit to looking forward to working beside her.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
We didn't plant tomatoes last week after all. Leah came out and we went to the wonderful herb farm nearby. But he didn't yet have his tomatoes out because it's been so cold. So, the new plan is for Leah to come on Saturday and we'll plant then. She's stopping to pick strawberries before she comes, so after our tomato planting, we're going to make jam. I'm good at making grand plans these days and not so good at having the "oomph" to actually do them, so this is all rather dicey. But I'm going to gear the whole week towards being able to do this on Saturday.Michael has promised to help me ready the vegetable beds and I bought some big pots for tomatoes, too.
I noticed that the pansies are starting to look peaked, so we'll draw them this week and then press them in anticipation of making lovely hanging cards. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of making the Green Hour Challenge part of our weekly routine.I also noticed that several of my perennials didn't get the memo that they are supposed to come back in the spring, so after we pull the pansies, I think I'll need to redesign the front bed. Stay tuned for those decisions.
Here's a picture thought I'm sharing:
Yes, you can expect more rose pictures all summer long. My roses are amazingly abundant and I think we'll have flowers aplenty from now until very early December. This cheery duo keeps me company at the computer. Isn't St. Therese darling?