In a time that doesn't seem so very long ago, our dear friend Keenan was a little girl, playing fashion diva.
Now, she's a grown up ballerina, an American at the Kirov, training in Russia. This is a rare, rare, rare occurrence. Keenan was invited there by the director himself who saw the incredible talent and the dedication that sets her apart from countless others dancers around the world. I hear it on good authority that the Russian dancers are not all that thrilled to have an American in their midst and that, among other "annoyances," there is no washer nor dryer and she's washing all her clothes by hand. She went with a stash of blessed salt and store of rosary beads. An American Catholic in St. Petersburg. We love this brave, beautiful girl. And she's in our constant prayers.
Today, my own fashion diva loves Keenan's hand-me-downs. (Courtney, if they were vintage when Keenan wore them, what are they now? And what will they be for Karoline? Well loved.)
And today, Katie takes her very first ballet lesson ever. She's already told the world she is going to grow up to be just like Keenan. Not so fast, my love. Please. Not so fast.
Many thanks to Courtney for the Keenan pics.