There is an expanded column on Being Ladylike at Catholic Exchange today. To recap here, I've talked about being a lady here and here. There is a lively discussion of modesty at the 4real Forums.Here's one on being modern and modest. And there is one on combatting frumpiness (because ladylike modesty is NOT synonymous with frumpiness). Helen reminds us that there is beauty in virtue. Kim gives some practical pointers for turning those denim pants into skirts. Mary Ellen Bork addresses feminity in her no-nonsense, eloquent style here. Rita Davidson offers a kit of resources on modesty in light of Church teaching .Colleen Hammond has written a book on Dressing with Dignity. Alice Von Hildebrand encourages women to escape a trap by imitating Mary's strength and humility.
Donna Marie initiated a conversation about ways our homes honor the Blessed Mother. We've discussed what it looks like to live in the Domestic Church, an idea that Thomas Howard fleshes out more completely in Splendor in the Ordinary. And all that talking, and thinking, and cleaning, and re-organizing has led to a full-blown Carnival of Elegant Simplicity!
So, there you go! Fix your morning tea, prop your feet up, and point and click and read up. Then, you have a whole weekend to implement what you prayerfully discern God is asking with regards to feminity and loveliness!