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July 06, 2007



OH this looks wonderful! My romas are just begining to get a tint of orange on them, I can't wait to make this! Thanks Elizabeth!


I have never added whole garlic to my roasting tomatoes. I will try it. Thank you Clarice

Cheryl B.

Hi Elizabeth, I stumbled on your blog from the household notebook.com site. I tried this tomato sauce and it turned out great. We made and froze a few quarts and DH made a vegetarian lasagna (we are not vegetarians, I just wanted to emphasize the yummy sauce), with a fontina cheese sauce in the middle with the tomato sauce on the bottom and top along with the usual ricotta, some zucchini from our garden and purchased spinach, herbs from our herb garden. It was delicious. The tomatoes came from my 82 year old FIL's garden. Thank you for taking the time to post. It came at exactly the right time!

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