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May 12, 2006



This all sounds well balanced and reasonable. I am looking forward to reading the book. I think having it all in the pantry/fridge/freezer makes implementation a great deal more achievable. Thanks for sharing the list, Elizabeth.

Mary Ellen Barrett

What do you do with some of the grains? Quinoa for example I've never cooked with it. BTW I have Mollie Katzen's Sunrise Cafe Cookbook that I bought upon your recommendation. There was a conversation about it on the board or CCM - I don't remember. I love it and the kids do as well. I have never made anything from that cookbook that they haven't inhaled. It was a great recommendation!

Elizabeth Foss

Mary Ellen,
I cook quinoa much like rice (only much, much quicker). Usually, I do it in broth, pilaf style and use it instead of rice. Since we don't eat wheat, quinoa is one of the few "safe" grain alternatives to rice. Steel cut oats are heartier than whole oats. soak them overnight and then cook them as you would whole oats for oatmeal. I'm glad you like Sunlight Cafe. We love it, even picking around the wheat recipes; there's plenty there for us.

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